pouch of douglas造句

"pouch of douglas"是什么意思   


  1. "' Culdoscopy "'is an French " bottom of a sac ", and refers to the rectouterine pouch ( or called the pouch of Douglas ).
  2. In medicine, "'Blumer's shelf "'is a finding felt in rectal examination that indicates that a tumor has metastasized to the pouch of Douglas.
  3. "' Culdocentesis "'is a medical procedure involving the extraction of fluid from the pouch of Douglas ( a rectouterine pouch posterior to the vagina ) through a needle.
  4. This theory was based on the observation that rectal prolapse patients have a mobile and unsupported pelvic floor, and a hernia sac of peritoneum from the Pouch of Douglas and rectal wall can be seen.
  5. Although a pouch of Douglas hernia, originating in the cul de sac of Douglas, may protrude from the anus ( via the anterior rectal wall ), this is a different situation from rectal prolapse.
  6. It's difficult to find pouch of douglas in a sentence. 用pouch of douglas造句挺难的


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